US selection at UC Berkeley

The US tournament will take place on 17th November 2018, Saturday, at Le Conte building, Hall 2, UC Berkeley.  The teams will be competing for the right to participate in the International Tournament at École Polytechnique Féderale Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. As there are only two teams willing to participate, the tournament does not count officially as a national selection.

The problem list is reduced to 9 problems from the official list:

  1. Tesla Coil Engine [1. in the official list]
  2. Yut [2.]
  3. Apples and Oranges [3.]
  4. Broken Pencil [6.]
  5. Drunken Glass [7.]
  6. Rail Track Divination [9.]
  7. Circle Magnet [11.]
  8. Jet Charged! [12.]
  9. Solar Cell Characterizer [14.]

There will be 3 Physics Fights in total with the following schedule:

  1. 10:00 – 12:00 am
  2. 2:00 – 4:00 pm
  3. 4:20 – 6:20 pm

A practice round to get acquainted with the rules, the Tournament format and ask questions will take place this Saturday (Nov. 3rd) at 10 – 12 am in LeConte, UC Berkeley.

The official rules of the tournament are adjusted to allow a Physics Fight of two teams. Reviewer falls out, and the roles reduce to only Reporter and Opponent. One Physics Fight consists of two rounds with the following time schedule adapted from official rules to exclude the Reviewer:

1. The Opponent challenges the Reporter to present a problem  1
2. The Reporter accepts or rejects the challenge  1
3. Preparation of the Reporter  5
4. Presentation of the report 10
5. Questions from the Opponent to the Reporter and answers of the Reporter  2
6. Preparation of the Opponent  3
7. The Opponent’s speech  5
8. Discussion between the Reporter and the Opponent  5
9. General discussion between the teams (any member of any team except Observers)  5
10. Concluding remarks by the Reporter  1
11. Questions from the Jury  6
12. Jury decides marks  1
13. Jury remarks/comments  4
Total Time for a Physics Fight 49



US selection at UC Berkeley